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entry and asset queries

Queries without a section/sectionId or volume/volumeId argument are automatically restricted to the current user's entries/assets. This acts as a security fallback, and also to keep pagination working correctly.

The inclusion of a section or volume argument means the query can be checked against permissions ahead of time.

Take the following query for example:

query Entries {
entries(limit: 5) {

If private entries were removed after the query had been fired, you could end up with fewer results than requested.

authenticate mutation

When running the authenticate mutation, the parameters are passed directly to the authenticate function from Craft's User model. This function will fail validation if the user attempting to log in doesn't have access to the control panel.

Because of this, the authenticate mutation temporarily grants control panel access, and removes it upon success or failure.

The logic should run very quickly, so users shouldn't ever actually be able to access the control panel, but it's something to be aware of in case you want to implement additional back-end logic, if users shouldn't have access.

The following snippet is how temporary access is granted:

$userPermissions = $permissions->getPermissionsByUserId($user->id);

if (!in_array('accessCp', $userPermissions)) {
$permissions->saveUserPermissions($user->id, array_merge($userPermissions, ['accessCp']));

if (!$user->authenticate($password)) {
$permissions->saveUserPermissions($user->id, $userPermissions);
throw new Error($error);

$permissions->saveUserPermissions($user->id, $userPermissions);

Category restrictions

Due to the fact that categories don't have an author, it isn't currently possible to restrict them in the same way as entries and assets.

An alternative path would be to use entry channels as a replacement for categories, as this enables granular permission control.